Dear Goodness, WHAT is that MESS?!?

Monday, November 26, 2012

In the bag

Unbelievably, it's almost Christmas time, and around here that means I'm rampaging through the studio (HAHAHAHAHAHA) looking for materials and inspiration for gifts. Just look at that header photo--LOTS of inspiration just waiting to be unearthed. (Judging by the dust, almost literally.)

*Note: if you are a family member, or a friend hoping for or expecting a gift this year, DO NOT READ THIS BLOG FOR THE NEXT MONTH. You will learn entirely too much about what you are getting in a few weeks. That would be a bummer.*

Anyway, Every year I make a few fabric bags to put gifts into. It's like using those ubiquitous paper gift bags, but far cooler and longer lasting. Plus, I can use almost any fabric to make them. (Torn tablecloths have been transformed and been placed under trees around here.) This time I decided my stock of felt needed thinning. I went with orange, mainly because I just happened to have lots of coordinating fabrics, but also because it's going to a person who appreciates a bold statement. Later on I'll use up some of my green felt to make another bag. Heck, even the pink may be pressed into service this year. I have a lot of felt.

So, the starting fabrics:

I've had the gingham forever--it may have come from my mother's stash from the '70s, because I know I never bought any, and it looks suspiciously like some of my dresses of the era. It became the lining for the bag. The fun crazy-patch floral is a remnant left over from Elle's school clothes last year. It was used for the handles and the finishing band at the top.

With all that VERY bright orange, something else was needed, or I was afraid people's eyes would bleed when looking at it; so, into the studio once again. This time in hope that the yo-yos I had made for a quilt eight years ago were still around. (I knew I had used most of them in a doll for Elle--very nice ruffly arms and legs they made, too. The quilt itself never was made, but the yo-yos were not created in vain!) I was in luck--plenty left. (I must have been more industrious at the time I was making them than I had thought. I really wish I had stuck with it and made the quilt. Sigh.) So, with some shell buttons my sister, who keeps an eye out for this sort of thing for me, had given me fro Christmas last year--the great circle of Christmas-giving Life, sort of thing, no?--I made flower details to adorn the bag:

I like how the whole thing turned out:

Rather cheery, don't you think? And just the right size to hold a couple bottles of . . . . well, I'd better keep that one a secret yet, just in case.

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